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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Land Girls and Lumber Jills...

Dearest Land Girls and Lumber Jills of the past...
Miss Rose Sister Violet Salute you!

It is amazing what one can learn from spending a Sunday night in front of the tv. While watching The Antique Road Show... (yes, Rose and Violet love nothing more than to get comfy under knitted blankets, and dunk biscuits into steaming cups of strong yorkshire tea while critiquing the judges comments and guessing the worth of items being displayed!)... we learnt of the existence of Lumber Jills!! Having only ever known of the term "lumber jack"... we were intrigued by the wonderful history connected to the female equivalent.

The Scottish women who stepped forward during the war years and worked for the Women's Timber Corps (WTC) were known as Lumber Jills. And together with their comrades who formed the Women's Land Army (WLA), or Land Girls as they were known, they played a vital role in feeding the nation and supplying timber for manufacturing, energy production and much more during the great war years.

It stirs such emotion to think of those years... the bravery of the men and women who maintained life as best they could... with hope and optimism. The hardship they endured, the loss they suffered... and yet the sentiment felt from those years is anything but disheartened. They possessed such grace and hope and made the best of what they had. It can be felt through the pages of history, and photos from the past... ghosts who shine from an era where human spirit proved to be unbreakable.

You wonderful women of the past... you inspire us. And we salute you. Thank you for all that you did to ensure our lives were better.. and our future brighter.

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